National Coordinator


The National Coordinator (NC) is the head of administration for a nation.  The national coordinator is also responsible for managing the regional coordinators.

Any member of MES may apply as a candidate in an election for national coordinator, though candidates without coordinator experience on a regional or higher level may be removed at the discretion of the national coordinator. Each regional coordinator in the US is eligible to vote in the election. The election is administered by the Club Director (or designated assistant).

The duties of the national coordinator are:

  • Communicate between the members of the MES and the Board of Directors.
  • Report monthly on the status of the Nation.
  • Coordinate with the National Conventions Administrator to choose sites for national events
  • Help members track their prestige, and to report that prestige to the organization
  • Help facilitate conflict resolution between members (see the section in this handbook on conflict resolution).
  • Provide leadership and guidance for the nation.
  • Maintain a positive identity for the nation.
  • (The duties may be altered with the future adoption of the new Membership Handbook).

The NC has the authority to:

  • Award General, Regional and National Prestige within the limits presented in the Prestige section.
  • Review prestige logs for all member class advancements and awards of MC 12-14.
  • Provide disciplinary action of members, including partial or full suspensions of up to six months and stripping of up to four levels of member class.

Facilitating communication within a club is essential to keep the club running smoothly. It is the national coordinator’s job to help the nation’s membership publicize their events within the nation. The national coordinator will also act as a contact point between the the Board and members of the Modern Enigma Society.

The following ANC positions frequently exist to aide the NC’s Office​:

  • ANC Chief of Staff – This position is the right hand to the National Coordinator, assisting in all aspects of the office to ensure that the staff as a whole works in concert.
  • ANC Administration – This position may be responsible for working with the entire coordinator chain, plus the NST’s office to complete the USNC report, uploading the prestige files and posting the NC report to the MES site after it is reviewed.
  • ANC Prestige – This position may handle all national audits, as well as track national prestige awards.
  • ANC Domains – This position may be responsible for Domain Application Processing, Domain Reports Archiving, Verification of National Coordinator Recognition Awards, answering questions in regards to Domains and Updating the National Database.
  • ANC Arbitration – This position may be responsible for the formal hearing requests and/or appeals that reach the national level due to a conflict of interest on the regional level.
  • ANC Special Projects – This position is responsible for assisting and managing a wide variety of projects as they develop.
  • ANC Charity – This position is the hub of MES Philanthropy, they also work with the Board of Directors on the administration of the MES Scholarship fund.
  • ANC Community Manager – This position is the point of contact for the MES Communities which function to build and strengthen bonds between members outside of Chronicle Game-related interactions.