

The Modern Enigma Society has an incentive based system that rewards members for participation in community service type events, such as charities, as well as volunteerism within the organization, which ultimately helps to perpetuate the club’s activities. These activities can be anything from working as a storyteller at a local game, to organizing a National convention, and any number of organizational activities in-between.


Useful Info

What is Prestige?


The reward used by the MES is known as the Prestige system, a point-based method that tracks a member’s activities within the club and their participation in club-sanctioned charities. Broken into three levels (General, Regional, and National), the value of the reward is often based on time contributed, dollars spent, or a set amount based upon fulfilled activities. Prestige itself is awarded by Coordinators within the organization, dependent on the level of the task. For example, assisting a Regional Storyteller may award you Regional level Prestige, whereas publishing a local newsletter may award you General level Prestige. Prestige awards must appear in a coordinator’s report before they become official.

Within the MES, opportunities for volunteering and charities are posted to the various mailing lists, so keep your eyes open for opportunities. Also, if you see an opportunity, please feel free to speak to your Coordinator or the appropriate level Coordinator and see if it’s something they feel will help out.

To be rewarded with Prestige, at the end of each month, you will need to submit your Prestige Log to your direct Coordinator, and they will review the log and award you the General Prestige that you may have earned that month. Regional and National Prestige is included in the Regional and National monthly reports. Ultimately, it is each member’s individual responsibility to keep up with their Prestige Log, and to have the ability to demonstrate proof of receipt of their award, so putting in links to any Reports which include the award will always prove helpful down the line.

One last thing to note about the Prestige system is that it is broken not just into levels but also into Categories. These Categories represent the many different avenues in which you can be helpful, and help inspire member to do a variety of things to be assistive. Each Category does have monthly caps on how much Prestige you may be awarded in any given month and must be recorded in your prestige log.

Membership Class


Now what does all this earned Prestige mean? Based upon the amount of Prestige a member has earned, they can be awarded Membership Class. MC levels are hallmarks on your path as a member of the MES, marked by achievement of certain requisite levels of Prestige.

  • General prestige is needed for MC 1-8
  • General and Regional prestige is needed for MC 9-11
  • General, Regional and National Prestige is needed for MC 12+

The incremental growth in the amount of needed Prestige as well as the variation in type of Prestige is important because it signifies your continual effort to be a participant and contributor to the organization and the charities that it supports.

National Prestige also counts as Regional Prestige, which also counts as General Prestige. This trickledown effect it to help incentive the fact that it’s never too late to start participating at all levels of the organization.

Now, knowing that you’ve achieved levels of success in the club can be meaningful, but what does that mean? Each MC represents greater responsibility in your part in the club. Those with higher levels of MC are expected to be leaders and mentors to newer members, and to help guide the club in its ongoing direction. In order to reward our leaders, we have devised systems by which you are able to use your MC to help build characters with more experience points, or higher in-game rank. It’s our way of saying thanks to the players for all their hard work!

  • MC Benefits: At each MC, the player receives an additional one-time amount of XP to put on their characters ( For example, an MC 10 player building a Vampire: The Masquerade PC has 80 MC XP.). Specific amounts for each game can be found on the addendum for each venue.

Feel free to contact a Coordinator if you have any further questions, and they’ll try to help you out.